34 research outputs found

    Tractable hedging - an implementation of robust hedging strategies : [This Version: March 30, 2004]

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    This paper provides a theoretical and numerical analysis of robust hedging strategies in diffusion–type models including stochastic volatility models. A robust hedging strategy avoids any losses as long as the realised volatility stays within a given interval. We focus on the effects of restricting the set of admissible strategies to tractable strategies which are defined as the sum over Gaussian strategies. Although a trivial Gaussian hedge is either not robust or prohibitively expensive, this is not the case for the cheapest tractable robust hedge which consists of two Gaussian hedges for one long and one short position in convex claims which have to be chosen optimally

    Produktdesign und Semi-Statische Absicherung von Turbo-Zertifikaten

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    Turbo-Certificates are one of the most popular structured equity products for private investors in Germany. They can be regarded as special forms of barrier options. The relation between the barrier level and the strike price is especially important for the design of these products. By using a certain choice of these parameters, the issuer is able to obtain an almost static (super-) hedge in standard option contracts. If the barrier level is equal to the strike, the upper price bound of a Turbo-Long-Certificate coincides with the value of a forward contract. Therefore, in the case of a Turbo-Short-Certificate, the forward implies only a lower price bound. It is shown that in general, the issuer can neither hedge a single certificate nor a portfolio of certificates without using standard options.Turbo-Zertifikate, Put-Call-Symmetrie, Static Hedging, Barrier-Optionen, Produktdesign

    The Risk Management of Minimum Return Guarantees

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    Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen: Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in EconStor ma

    Primal-dual linear Monte Carlo algorithm for multiple stopping --- An application to flexible caps

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    In this paper we consider the valuation of Bermudan callable derivatives with multiple exercise rights. We present in this context a new primal-dual linear Monte Carlo algorithm that allows for efficient simulation of lower and upper price bounds without using nested simulations (hence the terminology). The algorithm is essentially an extension of a primal-dual Monte Carlo algorithm for standard Bermudan options proposed in Schoenmakers et al (2011), to the case of multiple exercise rights. In particular, the algorithm constructs upwardly a system of dual martingales to be plugged into the dual representation of Schoenmakers (2010). At each level the respective martingale is constructed via a backward regression procedure starting at the last exercise date. The thus constructed martingales are finally used to compute an upper price bound. At the same time, the algorithm also provides approximate continuation functions which may be used to construct a price lower bound. The algorithm is applied to the pricing of flexible caps in a Hull White (1990) model setup. The simple model choice allows for comparison of the computed price bounds with the exact price which is obtained by means of a trinomial tree implementation. As a result, we obtain tight price bounds for the considered application. Moreover, the algorithm is generically designed for multi-dimensional problems and is tractable to implement

    BuR - Business Research

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    Minimum return guarantees with funds switching rights -- An optimal stopping problem

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    Recently, there is a growing trend to offer guarantee products where the investor is allowed to shift her account/investment value between multiple funds. The switching right is granted a finite number per year, i.e. it is American style with multiple exercise possibilities. In consequence, the pricing and the risk management is based on the switching strategy which maximizes the value of the guarantee put option. We analyze the optimal stopping problem in the case of one switching right within different model classes and compare the exact price with the lower price bound implied by the optimal deterministic switching time. We show that, within the class of log-price processes with independent increments, the stopping problem is solved by a deterministic stopping time if (and only if) the price process is in addition continuous. Thus, in a sense, the Black & Scholes model is the only (meaningful) pricing model where the lower price bound gives the exact price. It turns out that even moderate deviations from the Black & Scholes model assumptions give a lower price bound which is really below the exact price. This is illustrated by means of a stylized stochastic volatility model setup